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Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Goldmünzen

Die Münze Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 wird von The Perth Mint in Australien hergestellt.


Produkt Münze
Typ Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009
Metall Gold
Gewichte 0.25 Troy Ounce 0.5 Troy Ounce 10 Troy Ounce 1 Kilogramm 1 Troy Ounce 2 Troy Ounce 5 Troy Ounce
Manufacturers The Perth Mint
Herkunft Australien


Die folgende Übersicht zeigt die Preise der verschiedenen verfügbaren Versionen.
Alle bekannten Versionen von Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Goldmünzen
Gewicht Jahr Feinheit Auflage Ab
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 0.25 Troy Ounce 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 0.5 Troy Ounce 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 10 Troy Ounce 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 1 Kilogramm 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 1 Troy Ounce 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 2 Troy Ounce 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 5 Troy Ounce 2009 - - - 0 Preise
Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 Australian Lunar II Year of the Ox 2009 - 0.5 Troy Ounce Various - - - 0 Preise

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